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What Signs Could Indicate Hearing Loss in a Person


No one wants to find out that they’ve got some form of hearing loss, especially if they’ve had healthy hearing from birth. We forgot just how important and valuable our hearing is and it’s one of those occasions where when it’s gone, we realize how much we miss it.

Hearing loss of any degree is good to catch when it’s still in its early stages because more can then be done to help reduce further damage and impact made. What signs could indicate a hearing loss in a person? Here are the signs to look out for - both for yourself and for others.

Struggling to hear conversations even in quiet spaces

Could you be struggling to hear conversations in quiet spaces? While it’s typical to find yourself struggling to hear in loud venues like a bar or club, it’s not so common in the family home or a quiet space that has very little noise.

If the conversations sound muffled or you find that their voice and volume of the voice have lowered slightly, this might be a sign that hearing loss is apparent. It’s something that can be spotted by others who are around them too.

Asking to repeat a sentence a number of times

The repetitive need to ask others to repeat what they’re seeing is a common sign of hearing loss. While hearing and balance are also connected with hearing loss, it’s not as common as those having to ask others to repeat what they’ve said over and over again.

If you find yourself repeating a sentence, it may be that they’re not hearing you the first time but if they ask again, that could be a sign. Pay attention to the person if that happens and be aware of it if it happens again to pull them up on your concerns.

Noticing them looking more at their lips when listening

Lip-reading is a common sign of hearing loss because often enough those with permanent hearing loss or deafness, will use lip-reading as a form of communication.

If you find they’re looking at your lips more than usual, this could be an indication that they are struggling to hear what you’re saying. While it’s not the worst problem to have, it can be uncomfortable for those to experience when they’re not familiar with the person or know they may have hearing loss.

Listening to their music or television on a loud volume

If you’re listening to music or television at a loud volume, this is a clear sign that your or their hearing is not what it once was. It’s often noticeable by others too, so it doesn’t go unnoticed. 

Withdrawing from social conversations

Do you find that the individual is withdrawing from conversations and turning down social events? This could indicate that they’re having trouble listening and in some cases, not wanting to be a burden to those at the party or gathering. 

There are obvious signs that someone has hearing loss, so use these tips to keep an eye on the health of your loved ones.

Hearing Loss, How do I know if someone is losing their hearing? What are common symptoms of hearing loss? What should I do if my loved one is losing their hearing? Health


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