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Orange County

Top 10 impacts of Active Neighborhood Organizations


Orange County Government distributes a Neighbor to Neighbor publication that celebrates and promotes the benefits of being an active member of your community. This article condenses the benefits promulgated in the 20th Summer Edition.

District 2 Orange County Commissioner Christine Moore
District 2 Orange County Commissioner Christine Moore

Benefits of participation in a Neighborhood Association:

  • Bringing neighbors together to celebrate living in the neighborhood and creating a positive forum to discuss wants and needs.
  • Increasing the sense of belonging and social connections through participation in neighborhood events and meetings.
  • Keeping the neighborhood safe by promoting of safety and crime prevention programs, such as Neighborhood Watch.
  • Developing together neighborhood-based solutions which address resident concerns, issues, and needs.
  • Actively protecting one of a homeowner’s largest assets through beautification efforts and better getting to know neighbors. 
  • Forging partnerships with local election officials and county staff. This leads to staying better informed about government projects in and around the neighborhood.
  • Promoting communication in the neighborhood and keeping residents well-informed and connected about what is going on.
  • Building capacity in neighborhoods increases resiliency and enhances the overall quality of life.
  • Preserving neighborhoods takes the form of promoting association activities and events, working with the local government to improve infrastructure, and educating neighbors on the resources and best practices to maintain their homes and yards.
  • Developing consensus and building the foundation for neighborhood priorities by developing buy-in from neighbors regarding potential solutions for concerns, issues, and problems.

These efforts at building a neighborhood association create a shared understanding of neighborhood priorities and interests. Linking neighbors with common interests develops a greater sense of ownership and commitment. With a greater sense of commitment comes a safer and higher-appreciated community.

Getting to know your neighbors and their needs and strengths can also pull together resources during a time of trouble. Imagine during the next hurricane if neighbors optimally share resources to address challenges and emergencies in the aftermath of the storm. For example, one owns and operates a chainsaw, another cooks on a grill, and yet another has access to a generator. We need each other the most during natural disasters. 

Homeowner associations should be much more than a dues collecting and complaint registering organization. Associations can be voluntary and even refuse to collect dues. I have seen neighborhoods complete entrance upkeep strictly through volunteerism. While this is more challenging every neighborhood can optimize a positive impact in a fashion most favored by residents.

Let me know if you would like my help or attendance at one of your social neighborhood functions. I am always here to assist residents to build strong communities.

POL ADV Paid for & approved by Christine Moore, non-partisan, for Orange County Commission, #2
Orange County, Orange County Commissioner Christine Moore, District 2, Neighborhoods, Neighbor to Neighbor


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