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Thinking of Becoming a Paramedic? Here’s What You Need to Know


The good thing about the healthcare industry is that there’s always a need for more people and more places to work. This is also true in different niches of the healthcare industry, including the emergency medical services.

There are a few different jobs in the EMS niche, and paramedics are always first on the scene. It’s a worthwhile career goal to have, but you need to be prepared. 

Training and education

Most jobs require a measure of education. Depending on the industry, you might be able to get a job straight after high school, or you need further or higher education. More and more higher-paid jobs now require advanced education like bachelor’s degrees.

The same applies to the medical field, where you need special education to qualify. Paramedic programs usually require a degree, as well as specialized training. As well as the training required to qualify for this job, you will then need further training to make sure your skills are topped up.

Using tools and equipment

The most obvious piece of equipment for a paramedic is their vehicle. While you might be most familiar with the ambulance, you might also use a car or a bike to quickly get to the scene. 

You also have medical equipment that needs to be well stocked. You should know how to effectively use all of this equipment to help your patient. It helps to be familiar with different pieces of equipment as well, such as a wound vac machine that helps people recover more quickly from traumatic injuries and wounds.

As well as using this equipment to treat patients, you will also encounter it in the field as many of the people you help will likely have health problems that require treating. Besides, you never know what might be helpful.

Working with others

Many paramedics, especially those in an ambulance, work in a team or with a partner. Your partner might change depending on your shifts, or you might work with the same person every time.

The most important thing is making sure that you get on well with your partner and can work as a team. You will find yourself in some potentially dangerous and life and death situations, so you need to be able to rely on the person you’re with and they need to rely on you. Keep the lines of communication open.

You might also find that you work closely with other first responders and medical staff. If you transport people to the hospital, you’ll get to know people working in the emergency room. You will also have a lot to do with firefighters, police officers, and other people who tend to be first on the scene.

Physical and mental health concerns

As a paramedic, you will have to deal with the physical and mental health of your patients. As you train, you learn how to manage these extreme situations and help the people who need you. However, you also need to think about your physical and mental health.

Working in the emergency medical services is an extremely physically demanding job. You will have to lift and move people who can’t lift themselves and who might weigh as much or more than you. 

As well as having to lift people, you will likely work at unsociable hours. Most emergencies happen during the night, so depending on your shifts, you might not be able to sleep at normal times. Some people struggle to adjust to different shifts, as sleeping during the day doesn’t come as naturally. This means you might be sleep deprived while working.

Finally, you have to manage with the potential stress and trauma of emergency situations. You’ll see people on the worst days of their lives, and sometimes the last days of their lives. Some people find this incredibly difficult, so it’s important to be able to talk about what you see and go through. This is part of the reason why it’s so important to get on well with your colleagues, as they will understand.

One of the most common healthcare issues in the EMS industry is burnout. It’s a rewarding and sometimes exciting job, but it’s a difficult one as well. Always look out for the signs of burnout and make sure you have a way to avoid it. Burnout can lead to problems with your career and even your personal life.

If you are considering a career as a paramedic, make sure you know what you’re getting into.

What does it take to become a paramedic? What kind of training and education is required to become a paramedic? Health careers, Education tips, Lifestyle and job options, Are there certain tools and equipment paramedics have to know about? What are the physical and mental health concerns paramedics have to deal with?


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