From the Central Florida Christian Chamber
Peter Lowe, known for his star-studded success seminars attended by millions of people across North America, will headline the Central Florida Christian Chamber’s July Community Outreach Event on Thursday, July 9, 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the event will be held online at no charge.
In his talk, “How to do Business in the Supernatural in COVID-19,” Lowe will discuss how to be God-directed not just goal-directed in business. The audience will discover how God desires to lead us in business to achieve bottom-line success. Lowe will share the five ways Jesus said we can fail in business and how to eliminate them. You and your business will never be the same after this powerful event.
“As we operate in this uniquely challenging time, it’s important to remember that God is eager to work through you in the marketplace,” Lowe said. “Not only can you make an incredible impact in the marketplace with God’s help, but He also desires to help you prosper as you conduct business,” he added. “We’re going to discover how!”
Peter Lowe’s seminars filled the Amway Center and arenas across North America with enthusiastic business people and remain the largest live business seminars ever produced.
Attendees flocked to hear the secrets of success and self-improvement from the greatest leaders and achievers of our age, including six U.S. Presidents, motivational speakers like Zig Ziglar, Olympic champions like Michael Phelps, and more.
The centerpiece of Lowe’s seminars was a brief, optional, non-religious, unapologetic presentation of the Gospel with an opportunity to respond. His passion has always been to equip Christian business people with the strategies they need to live out their faith in the marketplace and grow their businesses and careers God’s way.
This life and business changing online event is sponsored by Nehemiah E-Community Center. The event is free, but reservations are required. Visit to reserve your space; login information will be emailed to you.
Virtual doors open at 11:45 a.m.; program begins at noon.
The Central Florida Christian Chamber of Commerce is a membership organization for Christian businesses across Central Florida and beyond. Their mission is to build Kingdom, build Business, and build Community through engagement and greater exposure in the business community. For additional information, visit