A thorny issue in Apopka is nearing resolve.
The Apopka Parking Ordinance Advisory Committee reviewed proposed changes to the City's Parking Ordinance during last night's meeting. The 19-page document was a draft written and presented to the committee by Apopka Police Department Chief Michael McKinley and Captain Randall Fernandez.
The Committee met four times previously to discuss the problems and benefits of the current parking ordinance, and to outline their thoughts on what should be included in the new ordinance. Among the details in the first draft document are:
-Authority to limit parking time limits and local restrictions
-Restrictions of parking in or at the approach of a cul-de-sac
-Options of Homeowner's Associations
-Restrictions of parking in front of a public or private driveway
-Restrictions of parking within an intersection or within 30-feet of the approach
McKinley cautioned the committee in attempting to write an ordinance that would fit every community's specific needs.
"Is it going to be perfect for everyone? Absolutely not," he said. "We have to remember that we aren't going to draft an ordinance that makes everyone happy. No matter what you draft, it's not going to fit everyone. Public safety is paramount. Police, Fire and Emergency Medical Service vehicles must be able to travel freely on the streets of Apopka."
Misha Corbett, a member of the committee is in the minority that doesn't believe anyone should park on the streets of Apopka.
"It's not that I'm entirely opposed to street parking. Although, I can't say I'm a fan of the idea of cars parked up and down every street. I just don't think that we are solving the problems that I feel brought the committee together...which I see being neighborhoods built with inadequate parking. That's a problem we can't solve."
Fernandez also pointed out that times change and ordinances have to evolve.
"In 1950, people had one car and a carport," he said. "Today we have multiple cars. In 20 years, maybe we will have landing pads."
After reviewing the entire 19-page document, McKinley was pleased with the progress.
"We'll go back and clean this up, but we seem to have a consensus on this document. This is essentially what the ordinance will look like."
The next meeting will be Monday, September 26th at 6:30 PM at the Council Chamber at City Hall. The meeting is open to the public, and community comments will be featured.