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Orange County provides mental health help


By Bryan Nelson - District 2 Orange County Commissioner

The Orange County Mental Health and Homeless Division ensures that quality mental health services for individuals and families, children and adults, are available and accessible in this community. Orange County continues to lead community conversations in a continuous effort to identify better solutions and stronger outcomes for those experiencing homelessness and mental and or behavioral needs.

County Commissioner Bryan Nelson

Community services in Orange County are provided by Aspire Health Partners, the designated community provider of public behavioral health and substance abuse services. Aspire offers inpatient crisis stabilization and follow up services such as case management, counseling, medication management and medication assistance. Contact information for them is provided below.

In 2014, Orange County Mayor Teresa Jacobs convened a twenty-member Commission comprised of elected officials, law enforcement and community leaders to develop new strategies and initiatives to address the system of care issues in children’s mental health in Orange County. The Commission was tasked with examining the resources, values, accessibility and stigma associated with early identification and interventions available to children and families in Orange County. Here are some of the data findings from Orange County (2013) from the final Committee reports and Board presentations:

  • -2,283 psychiatric hospitalizations ages 0-17
  • -15,273 school suspensions
  • -27 students expelled
  • -1,148 children in child welfare out-of-home care
  • -54 suicides ages 13-24 (2011-2013)
  • 8% of children reported thoughts of suicide
  • -7,520 arrests for children under 17 y/o

    • 2,250 felony arrests
    • 84 children were less than 10 y/o

The Orange County Youth Mental Health Commission’s goals are to meet the following objectives:

  • -Determine state of mental health system for children & youth

    • Develop effective strategies and initiatives to improve the mental health of children and young adults in Orange County
    • Identify financial sustainability options for an optimized system of care
    • Identify attitudes towards youth mental health

  • After analyzing the needs to help assist improving the mental health system for children and youth in Orange County, the Commission reported leverage Federal & state funding to meet their goals:
  • -Crisis Intervention Team-Y (CJMHSA Reinvestment Grant)
  • -Youth focused training for Law Enforcement Wraparound Expansion (CJMHSA Reinvestment Grant)
  • -Expands services to 13-14 year old children (Children's Community Action Team 2014 Legislation)
  • -$ 750,000 of funding being considered by the legislature (Mental Health First Aid 2014 Legislation)
  • -$ 30,000 for community based training that will enhance MH awareness and competency amongst the general public

Orange County provides the leadership for Wraparound Orange, a federally supported project comprised of a community collaborative of partner agencies contracted to provide wraparound services to children, adolescents and young adults. Wraparound is a nationally recognized model, providing intensive care coordination and management for children, adolescents, and young adults experiencing a behavioral/emotional/mental health and/or substance abuse disorder and their families. Wraparound Orange provides services to those ages 0-21 and is effective in keeping children, adolescents and young adults in their home, school and community. For more information, visit wraparoundorange.net

Additionally, Wraparound Orange contracts with Devereux, Florida, to provide mobile crisis services within our community. The service is available for children/youth, ages 0-17 who need immediate assistance because they are experiencing a mental health or substance abuse crisis. Anyone can call and request the service and there is no cost to families. Services can be accessed via the Heart of Florida United Way helpline by dialing “211”.


Mental Health

If you or a family member is in crisis due to a mental health crisis, please call 911 and request the assistance of a CIT Officer or contact Aspire Health Partners at (407) 875-3700.

Adult Substance Abuse Services

If you or a family member is in crisis due to substance abuse, please call 911 and request the assistance of a CIT Officer or contact the Aspire Health Partners at (407) 245-0012.

Homeless Services

If you are homeless, please contact one of the service providers listed below.

  • Homeless Services Network of Central Florida at (407) 893-0133.
  • Healthcare for the Homeless at (407) 428-5751.
  • Heart of Florida United Way at 211.

The Mental Health & Homeless Issues Division


2002-A E. Michigan Street

Orlando, Florida 32806

Telephone: (407) 836-7608

Aspire Health Partners

Kassab Plaza

434 W. Kennedy Blvd

Orlando, FL 32810

(407) 875-3700

Princeton Plaza

1800 Mercy Drive

Orlando, FL 32808


Residential Plaza

4524 Thistledown Drive

Orlando, Florida 32804


Lakeside Place Apartments

1790 Mercy Dr.

Orlando, Florida 32808


Orange County Commissioner Bryan Nelson, Orange County Government


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