Bono (Yes, THAT Bono), has joined forces with Bible translator Eugene Peterson to produce a short film encouraging people to read the Bible.
Peterson completed The Message, a modern-day translation of the Bible, in 2002. There have been more than 17 million copies printed.
The 20-minute documentary, "The Psalms," is available on Fuller Theological Seminary’s new website, Fuller Studio.
"Who is Bono?"
"I had never heard of Bono before 2002 when one of my students showed me a copy of Rolling Stone magazine with a Bono interview," says Peterson. "Who is Bono?" he asked.
The film focuses on the book of Psalms and how it brought Bono and Peterson together. Bono and Peterson both speak about the Psalms and how the Scriptures have affected their lives.
They also discuss problems that Bono sees in the church today. “The Psalmist is brutally honest,” Bono says. “And it’s that that sets the Psalms apart for me. And I often think, ‘God, well why isn’t church music more like that?'”
“The Psalms are not pretty … they’re not nice,” Peterson replies. “I think I’m doing it about as close to the Hebrew as I can get it. But it’s not smooth, it’s not nice, it’s not pretty — but it’s honest. And I think we’re trying for honesty, which is very hard in our culture.”
Bono is a professing Christian and became friends with Peterson after they met in 2010.
The film was shot a Peterson's house in Montana and the International Arts Movement in New York City.