By Christine Moore, Orange County Commissioner/District 2
Too many ordinary citizens in District 2 do not feel empowered.
We must restructure smaller interdependent teams based on neighborhoods and local areas so everyone feels welcome. In essence, we must become an effective team led by many leaders. We achieve success by working harmoniously and with a shared purpose. Complaining, fussing, and ridiculing on social media has little lasting benefit. Joining a team of empowered citizen leaders enormously contributes to a small town.
Orange County Commissioner District 2 Christine Moore
I’m currently enrolled in an online major university course on effective organizing. Last Friday, I was personally coached by two teaching assistants, one from Scotland and the other from Jordan. I had some true “aha” moments. What a privilege to receive this superb training. I would like to share some of this training with my constituents. Why? I believe we can be so much more if we are training, coaching, and working toward a common goal.
First, I’m learning that to be successful, we must have a shared purpose.
While this statement has not been thoroughly vetted or wordsmithed, I promulgate our shared purpose as the desire to live in a safe, clean, collaborative, trusting, inclusive, and prosperous community. I hope you agree with this purpose, too. It is fine to believe in other points like protecting our natural environment, building up our downtowns, and lessening suburban sprawl because I believe in these things, too. However, these other values will bring about the change we all deserve and need to see.
Secondly, we must thoroughly develop ground rules or norms.
We are currently holding quarterly training meetings. Monthly informational meetings, regular clean-ups, and bi-annual events such as Easter Egg Hunts, Fall Festivals, etc. I am also developing a Corridor Chief Program more thoroughly. My aide and I will be restructuring this program for our April Quarterly Meeting. I believe if one person takes responsibility and “ownership” of a section of a roadway, reports infrastructure problems to the municipality, picks up trash, and organizes the neighborhoods in some kind of spirit activity, the entire community will greatly improve. Last weekend, Troy Johnson from Southern Apopka’s group attended the Wekiva Egg Hunt, and the POWS (People of Wekiva Springs) Team and I shared our supplies so he could host a quick event in Southern Apopka tomorrow. We value collaboration. We know the value of bringing the community together and living in a clean, safe environment.
I currently have some fantastic Corridor Chiefs. Others may need more training (my fault), and I still desire to recruit more Corridor Chiefs. If you are interested, please call my office at 407.836.5919 and speak with Alex Quinones. The difference Pam Welker is making on Sheeler Road should inspire others. She does have a big need. We have not been able to get one community to pressure wash their black walls and sidewalks. If anyone could donate money or use pressure washing for free, Pam would be ecstatic.
We are interdependent.
In fact, the Clarcona-Ocoee Team led by Mateo Schulte and Sandy Miller canceled their monthly clean-up just to assist the Wekiwa Springs Team led by Sue Henesy. I’m hearing now the Wekiwa Springs Team might cancel their clean-up to help the Southern Apopka Team on a bonus clean-up on E. 10th Street tomorrow morning. You are always welcome to join us. Bring a rake or weed whacker and some gloves! We will be mowing, edging, trimming trees, and raking up an inordinate number of leaves. This beautiful section of downtown Apopka has a terrific tree canopy. Our goal is to transform E. 10th Street from Sheeler Road to Apopka Blvd. I will be working on Clarcona Road on June 6th in collaboration with Pastor Sabrina Jones and Jarette Schofield. And I bet some of my other leaders will be there to lend a hand. We care about every area of District 2, even if we cannot get to every section all at the same time.
In November, all the teams competed for Corridor of the Year and Artistic Corridor of the Year. It is truly a friendly competition because we appreciate and respect each other. Winning is just a bonus.
All I really do is create opportunities for people to accept greater responsibility for their neighborhood, corridor, and community. It is enjoyable, uplifting, and energizing work. I am in the business of empowering ordinary citizens through quantifiable goals and regular activities. If you would like to speak with me further, I will set aside time to meet you at my favorite haunt on a Saturday afternoon, Canon Coffee. Call me at 407.836.5850 to schedule a time. I believe you will be an awesome leader and part of a great team of leaders.