From Orange County Government
Mayor Demings signed Executive Order 2020-23 late Thursday afternoon mandating the wearing of masks in public for Orange County effective Saturday, June 20, 2020 at 12:01 A. M..
The order notes that since entering the June 3 Phase 2 of the Governor's Recovery and significant reopening of much of our economic, cultural and civic life, it has naturally brought more people into contact with each other.
Since this reopening, Orange County has experienced a significant increase in the daily positivity rate of infections for COVID-19, with daily rates as high as eleven-percent (11%). Additionally, Orange County health care providers have experienced an increase in emergency room visits and hospitalizations related to COVID-19.
In order to limit the probability of continued spread of COVID-19, Mayor Demings saw it
prudent to take more stringent measures, such as mandatory face mask wearing, in order to reduce the potential that Stay at Home orders would be reinstated for Orange County.
Calling on the Center for Disease Control and Prevention ("CDC") guidelines on social
distancing and wearing face coverings, the Mayor believes these guidelines must be adhered to if Orange County is to continue on its path to economic recovery. This includes following their recommendation to wear face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain. The CDC and Mayor Demings sees these measures as important public health approaches to slow the transmission of COVID-19.
The Executive Order explains that during a public health crisis, protecting the health and safety of Orange County's residents and visitors is among the most important functions of County government.
The Details
Definition: "Face Covering" means a uniform piece of material that securely covers a person's nose and mouth and remains affixed in place without the use of ones hands.
Face Coverings "Required" Means:
a. Every person working, living, visiting, or doing business in Orange County is
required to wear a Face Covering consistent with the current CDC guideline while in
any public place.
b. Medical and surgical face masks, such as "N95" masks or similar medical or surgical
masks should be reserved for health care personnel and other first responders with the
greatest need for such personal protective equipment. Persons are encouraged to
review and comply with the CDC and Florida Department of Health guidelines on
personal protective equipment, including with the respect to the use of a medical or
surgical face mask, such as "N95" mask or similar medical or surgical mask.
c. All businesses are strongly encouraged to follow CDC guidelines or industry
standards (if any) on face coverings and social distancing. Businesses are reminded
that Executive Order 2020-12 requires that both employees and patrons of businesses
that require employees and patrons to be within six (6) feet must wear a face mask or
covering, unless the wearing of the patron's face mask or covering would impede the
patron's service, in which case only the service provider must wear a face mask or
d. All businesses are encouraged to prohibit entry of each person who is not wearing a
face covering with the exception of those listed below:
a. The following people are exempt from being required to wear a face covering:
i.) Persons under the age of two years old; or
ii.) Persons for whom a face covering would cause impairment due to an existing
health condition; or
iii.) Persons working in a profession who do not have any face-to-face interactions
with the public; or
iv.) Persons working in a profession where use of a face covering will not be
compatible with the duties of the profession; or
v.) Persons exercising while observing social distancing in accordance with the CDC guidelines
b. This Order does not apply to employees and patrons of first response, government,
healthcare or medical, veterinarian, shelter or rehabilitation, childcare, utility
providers, construction, or transit agencies.
Apopka COVID-19 Testing Sites
Offered through Orange County Health Services
- June 22: Farmworker Association, 1264 Apopka Blvd. Apopka, Florida, 32703 | Register
- June 23: John Bridges Community Center, 445 W. 13th Street Apopka, Florida, 32703 | Register
- June 24 and 25: Neighborhood Center for Families Apopka/Zellwood, 6565 Willow Street. Zellwood, Florida, 32798 | Register