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It's a new day for comments in The Apopka Voice


The Apopka Voice welcomes your comments. We always have and we always will. It's the reason we chose "Voice" in the first place. We want to hear from you - the Apopka community.

However our site is growing, and with growth comes growing pains.

With an influx of comments both on our news site and Facebook page, it's time to manage that growth and put down some modest boundaries so that everyone can enjoy the experience of interaction.

In order that everyone can feel comfortable and welcome to post comments, The Apopka Voice is asking that you follow these guidelines as you post your thoughts, insights, and information on our space:

  1. Make sure your post is relevant to the article you are posting.
  2. No more than three posts from one individual per article unless it is in reply to another comment.
  3. No profanity, libelous comments, or personal attacks against an individual, business or organization.
  4. No references or links back to for-profit-businesses.

As has always been our policy, if you have thoughts on these guidelines, please feel free to comment below the article or on our Facebook page. We are open to your suggestions.

Comments, Facebook, The Apopka Voice


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