By Olivia Parkinson
Who would have thought it would take a global pandemic to teach us lessons about our homes? Not many. After all, hardly anyone predicted the events of the past year, barring Bill Gates. Kudos, Bill!
Okay, it hasn’t been enough to make the past twelve months a "success", yet the life lessons, when embraced, have made the lockdown easier, and the future interesting. And, with the easing of restrictions in sight across the world, it’s essential not to forget the gems of wisdom as everything gets back to normal.
With that in mind, it’s time to focus on the home. Here are four important things you shouldn’t forget, now or in the future.
A Place to Unwind Is a Must
So many property owners struggled during the pandemic because they didn't have a place to unwind, or the place they typically use has been out of commission with everyone at home. Mental health is at the forefront of the COVID outbreak because so many across the world have experienced what it’s like to feel isolated and alone. Therefore, lesson learned: relaxing and de-stressing space are essential. Whether you hire custom deck builders or do it yourself, it’s best to get started on the garden ASAP since it’s suitable all-year-round with a little help from temporary shelter and a space heater, when needed.
Selling Up Is Something to Consider
Lots of people umm and ahh about 'selling up' - selling your home in order to get a better one - put off by the inevitable hassle that comes with moving. In their minds, the potential equity boost isn’t worth the effort. Viewing moving as a purely financial process is not always the best perspective, because there’s more benefit than meets the eye. For example, we've all learned that the space to live comfortably with your family is critical at the moment. Those who have it, due to the fact they rolled the dice in 2019, were better off during the lockdown. An event like this might not occur again, yet if it does, you don’t want to make the same mistakes twice.
You Can Find Time For Projects
Before the virus became a thing, it was incredibly easy to make excuses concerning home projects. If they weren’t “essential,” you put them to the back of your mind. Enter March 2020, when millions of people used these projects as ways to pass the time, which turned out to be pretty helpful. However, the reality is that you could have completed the jobs prior to the virus, if you had been a bit more motivated. The pandemic provided motivation due to boredom. Maybe you won’t be as bored as during COVID again, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t prioritize tasks the same way.
The Internet Is Key
How long did you put up with a poor broadband connection? Months? Years? You have perhaps learned that you cannot do that any longer since the role of the world wide web is greater than ever. Not only is it a means to socialize when face-to-face interactions are banned, but it’s an asset for workers. The world of work will change forever as more employees are encouraged to work remotely. You can do this, and enjoy the benefits, as long as your internet is powerful. Otherwise, your productivity levels will drop, and you’ll be summoned back to the office.
It’s been a year since the Coronavirus outbreak hit Europe and the US. What have you taken from the experience?