By Orange County Mayor Jerry Demings
As the leader of one of the fastest-growing counties in Florida, Orange County Mayor Jerry Demings always strives to make his community a better place to live. In his monthly article, Demings shares his thoughts on the latest developments, initiatives, and challenges facing Orange County, providing readers with an inside look at the county's progress and future plans.
Summer break has arrived, and with it comes the opportunity to get outside and enjoy all that our vibrant community has to offer. In addition to enjoying our beautiful parks, lakes, and outdoor spaces, there are a number of cultural experiences and events taking place this month, including our popular Juneteenth Celebration hosted by the Orange County MLK Initiative. Check out the full calendar of events in this newsletter.
Although hurricane season has just begun, it is never too early to ensure your family is prepared. The Orange County Office of Emergency Management is hosting the Orange County Hurricane Expo on Saturday, June 15 at Evans High School. Make sure to arrive early to pick up free preparedness items while supplies last. I also encourage everyone to take advantage of Florida’s Disaster Preparedness Sales Tax Holiday to stock up on essential items.
June is also LGBTQIA+ Pride Month, and Historic Section 93 of the Sea-to-Sea Rainbow Flag is once again showcased on the side of the Orange County Administration Building in downtown Orlando. This display reminds us that our strength lies in the diversity of our community. It also honors the 49 Pulse angels, their families, the survivors, first responders, and those affected by the tragedy. Our partners at the City of Orlando will host a family and survivor-focused remembrance ceremony at Steinmetz Hall on June 12.
On June 7, I will deliver the 2024 State of the County address, which will highlight the many accomplishments and challenges we have faced over the past year, as well as provide a look ahead at how we are working with our partners to build better together. You can watch the full event live on Orange TV or on our social media channels.
Finally, as Father’s Day approaches, I would like to recognize and thank all of the fathers, role models and caregivers in Orange County for your dedication, wisdom and support. Enjoy every moment of your well-deserved day!