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How to Make Your Office More Energy Efficient


Energy efficiency should be something that concerns everyone. But if you’re running an office, whether in the home or elsewhere, your ongoing energy costs should be of particular concern for two reasons.

First, energy costs money. If you can reduce your usage, you’ll reduce your spend. Second, energy imposes an environmental cost. By making your office more efficient, you’ll reduce your impact on the world around you.

So, what can be done to make an office more energy-efficient? Let’s consider the options.

Utilize energy-efficient equipment

Some office appliances make better use of energy than others. Look for equipment that carries an ENERGY STAR rating. These devices have been thoroughly tested, and meet modern standards for energy efficiency, both while they’re working and while they’re on standby.

Optimize HVAC systems

While lightbulbs and appliances are worth thinking about, the majority of your energy expenditure is probably going to go toward heating and cooling. Take care of your HVAC systems by cleaning filters, sealing ducts, and investing in programmable thermostats to keep everything ticking.

Upgrade your lighting

LED lighting tends to be cheaper to run by an order of magnitude. Source the right bulbs in bulk from a reputable supplier like RS Americas. They’ll pay for themselves within a year.

Implement smart power management

It’s good to automate things like thermostats and light bulbs. This will help you switch them off when they’re not in use. However, you might also encourage employees to do the same thing. Use power strips so that multiple devices can be turned off at once.

Start carpooling

If you’re running a busy office with dozens, or even hundreds, of workers, then it isn’t just the on-site energy footprint that you need to concern yourself with. All of these workers are going to use energy during their commute. By encouraging those workers to share lifts with one another, you might drive down the overall quantity of energy being used. Carpooling also confers social and cultural benefits, which might also help to drive up overall productivity, and make the workplace more fulfilling.

Use renewable energy

Finally, it’s worth thinking about where your energy is actually coming from in the first place. If it’s feasible, you might consider switching to a supplier that uses renewable energy. Or, you might generate your own power on-site with the help of solar panels and wind turbines.

In many cases, an investment like this will be considerable. However, the long-term savings might be equally considerable. Perform a cost-benefit analysis, and see whether it’s worth it.

How can I reduce my energy costs for my business? What can I do to make my office more energy efficient? Business Tips, Green Living Tips, What is renewable energy? Will optimizing my HVAC system make a difference on my utility bill? Where can I find the best energy-efficient equipment?


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