Orange County offering "Neighborhood Pride" Grants
From Bryan Nelson, District Two Commissioner of Orange County
If you are looking for a funding opportunity to beautify and revitalize your neighborhood or assist a community organization, Orange County may be able to help. This is made possible through the Neighborhood Pride Grants; a grant based effort to revamp existing Orange County Neighborhood facades and communities. The Neighborhood Pride grants have been providing funding for Orange County communities since 2002. Throughout those years, these grants have helped to improve hundreds of community buildings and neighborhoods throughout Orange County. Neighborhood Pride grants were developed not only to provide physical and social improvements to neighborhoods, but also to raise property values and create a long lasting sense of pride around the restored properties. These grants are awarded and administered through the Neighborhood Preservation and Revitalization Division; a component of the Orange County Government created with the express purpose of facilitating the establishment and maintenance of community organizations in addition to serving as a valuable community resource.
Commissioner Bryan Nelson
There are six types of neighborhood pride grants available. Each of these was created with a specific interest and purpose in mind. Of these grants, one of the most popular grants is the Entrance Way Grant. This grant awards anywhere from $1,500 to $5,000 for eligible residents who need their entryway revitalized. Eligible projects for this grant can include new entryway signs, pressure washing, painting, new ground lighting, and fence repairs.
The Capital Improvement Grant provides funding for projects that are geared towards improving common or recreational areas. Potential projects can include things such as new playgrounds, picnic tables, pavilions, and gazebos. Funding amounts typically range from $6,000 to $10,000 or up to 50% of the total project cost.
Another major grant is the Wall Repair Grant. Neighborhoods and communities that have problems with existing walls in need of structural repairs and happen to be located adjacent to major thoroughfares may be eligible to apply for this grant. Eligible repairs may receive up to a 100% reimbursement for wall repairs not to exceed $20,000.
At this point, you may be wondering about your eligibility for such grants. If you are an organized neighborhood homeowners association, nonprofit, or council located within Orange County you are eligible to apply, provided you meet the required criteria. Additionally, you must be registered with the Orange County Neighborhood Preservation and Revitalization Division. If you are new to grant writing and need further assistance to help with the process, Orange County does offer a free grant workshops where attendees can ask questions and learn about the application process.
Another assistance program administered through the Neighborhood Preservation and Revitalization Division is the Business Assistance for Neighborhood Corridors (BANC) Program. BANC provides funding for small business in target corridors for beautifying and revitalization projects. Under the BANC program, small business can apply for the Façade Improvement Grant. This grant reimburses up to $5,000 to upgrade or improve the exterior of a business. Examples of projects include exterior painting, signage, landscaping, repair/replace windows, doors, awnings, stucco, and siding.
In or order for your business to be eligible you must have fewer than 500 employees, the person applying must own or lease the property applying for the grant, and the business must have a certificate of occupancy, liability insurance, and provide proof of tax status (W-9).
If you interested in applying for any of the above grants, please keep in mind that applications for these grants are only considered from October through June of each year. For more information regarding these grants as well as additional eligibility criteria, please visit and simply search for neighborhood pride grants You may also call the Neighborhood Preservation and Revitalization Division at 407-836-5606. If you have any further questions or concerns, feel free to contact the Orange County District 2 office at 407-836-5850 or