Matt Damon had this to say about the residents of Apopka, Florida
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Hollywood actor Matt Damon passed through Apopka, Florida recently and apparently was quite impressed with the residents there. In an interview this week Damon said:
“Well… we had a flat tire just as we were about to leave the city limits of Apopka and two, maybe three cars pulled over within five minutes to help us with it. And no, they had no idea who I was before they pulled over. They were very helpful and very friendly. I gotta say, I was really impressed with the people of Apopka, Florida. That would’ve never happened in L.A.!”
Matt’s vehicle was back on the road within a short period of time. What a great testament to the residents of Apopka! Let us know what you think in the comments section and don’t forget to share this story with your friends by clicking the share button below.
It is amazing how many celebrities are having flat tires in smaller cities and towns. Snopes has complied a partial list.
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