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Debbie Turner's Cancer Care Center Fundraisers this Saturday


Zumba Party at the Sportsplex

The American Cancer Society estimates that 1.6 million new cancer cases will be diagnosed this year. This weekend you can do your part to help Debbie Turner help those who are battling cancer as well as support those who are caring for their loved ones as they battle cancer. Debbie Turner's Cancer Care and Resource Center will be the recipient for two exciting fundraising events this weekend. You can workout at a Zumba Party or just party with Lonnie Carter & Chicken Train at the Rock Springs Bar and Grill this Saturday.

Here are the details:

Chicken Train at Rock Springs Bar and Grill.

Come join us for a Zumba Party, all levels of fitness will enjoy this event. The Zumba Party will be this Saturday at the Cooper Sportsplex from 10a.m.-12p.m. at 432 Marshall Lake Road in Apopka. All ages are invited and wear pink to show off your support for Cancer Awareness. There will be raffles, prizes and food along with Paula, Pebbles, Cathy and Angela as your Zumba instructors. A portion of each $10 entry fee will be donated to Debbie Turner's Cancer Care and Resource Center for awareness.

If you like live music, Debbie Turner's Cancer Center Live Concert will be held this Saturday June 11 from 3-7PM, featuring Lonnie Carter & Chicken Train. The event will be at the Rock Springs Bar and Grill at 4939 Rock Springs Road in Apopka. There will be barbecue, food, raffles and a 50/50 drawing. The proceeds go to help our local cancer families.

Chicken Train, Debbie Turner, Fundraisers, Rock Springs Bar and Grill, Sportsplex, Zumba


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