Since 2012 Apopka High School has been hosting the Darter Dash to raise money for the AHS food pantry, the Darters’ Nest. Coordinators of the event invite you to join them in giving back to our community and help raise awareness for the one in six Americans facing hunger.
The Darter Dash 5K was birthed from AHS student participation in Lead2Feed. Ms. Demetria Richards, a AHS faculty member, told us "In 2012-2013 school year, students were participating in the Leed2Feed program. As part of the program they had to complete a community service event to help raise awareness about hunger on a local or national level. The 5K Fun run was started as a result."
According to Lead2Feed's website, the program is national leadership program that nurtures a new generation of leaders. "EMPOWERED TO LEAD. INSPIRED TO SERVE. Effective. Tested. Life-changing. Lead2Feed is a leadership program that nurtures a new generation of leaders – the ones sitting in your classroom and school – while working to end hunger or meet another need in your community. Based on the best-selling book Taking People With You by Yum! Brands Executive Chairman David Novak, Lead2Feed empowers students to act, to serve and to make big things happen. Join the leadership movement today!"
Also created in 2012 was the food pantry, located on the campus of Apopka High School, to help students in need.
The Darters' Nest is run solely through community donations and fundraisers. The pantry is open to all students at AHS who express a need. AHS teacher, Ms. Demetria Richard, and Safe Coordinator, Ms. Sally Burkhart, coordinators of the Darters' Nest food pantry, suggest several ways individuals can help:
- Donate non-perishable food items, cloth grocery bags or monetary donations
- Shop BOGO, buy one for you and donate the free one to the Darters' Nest
- Participate in the annual Darter Dash 5K
- Encourage your friends and family to sign up for the Darter Dash 5K - Saturday March 5!!!
- Spread the word on social media

This weekend's event, the 3rd Annual Darter Dash, is on Saturday, March 5th at 8:30 a.m. will be on the track at the high school. Parking is available in the student parking lot.
Saturday, March 5th
- 7:30 a.m. - Packet Pick-up and On-site registration
- 8:30 a.m. - 5K Fun Run
Pre-Registration Fee:
- Students- $10
- Adults- $20
Race Day Registration Fee:
- Students- $15
- Adults- $25
For more information contact
Demetria Richard: