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City Council confirms new Community Development Director


Votes 5-0 for Reggentin's successor

So long Mark Reggentin, we hardly knew ye’.

Reggentin, the Community Development Director for the City of Apopka for a little over six months, sent his letter of resignation to Mayor Joe Kilsheimer to take a job as Assistant City Manager of the City of Maitland. His last day will be September 29.

Mark Reggintin Mark Reggintin

“Mark has been extraordinarily helpful to the City of Apopka,” said Kilsheimer. “But he was offered a job he just couldn’t say no to. There were a lot of factors that went into his decision, but I think the one most appealing is that the City of Maitland is just two minutes from his house. We’re going to miss Mark, but we’re going to wish him well at the same time. We appreciate everything he has done for us.”

Commissioner Kyle Becker was also appreciative of Reggentin's performance.

“In the short period of time that Mark has been here, he has either executed or set in motion a lot of things that are going to set up our city for success,” said Becker. “We will miss you Mark.”

“It’s been a pleasure working with Mark,” said Commissioner Doug Bankson. “I was very disappointed to hear that he was leaving… so thank you for your service.”

Reggentin was largely credited with being the chief negotiator during the City Center contract discussions with Taurus Southern Investments. It was a deal that at times looked shaky, but Reggentin was able to close it in a manner that allowed the City Council to vote 5-0 for the final development agreement.

But as effective as Reggentin was in his six months in Apopka, his successor is already a hit with the City Council.

James Hitt takes over as Community Development Director. James Hitt

James Hitt is the Economic Development Director and Community Redevelopment Director for the City of Clermont. He worked in Clermont since 2005, but like Reggentin returning to Maitland, Hitt is returning home to Apopka.

Hitt was the Senior Planner for the City of Apopka in the Community Development Department from 1992 until 2005. He also lives here. And as it turns out, he was on a very short list for this job six months ago.

“When we looked at all the candidates, it came down to two – one was Mark and one was Jim,"said Kilsheimer. "When Mark said he was leaving for the City of Maitland, we quickly called Jim and asked if he was still interested and we were blessed to learn that he is… so I’m recommending to the Council that we confirm Jim as the new Community Development Director.”

"I don't think you could have picked a better man," said Commissioner Billie Dean.

The Council enthusiastically voted 5-0 to confirm Hitt. He begins work on September 30th.

community development director, James Hitt, Mark Reggentin


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