The Trump administration's first effort to reform, repeal or replace Obamacare failed on Friday. President Trump apparently intends to try again, but no one knows when or if the next effort will succeed.
This is bad news for Americans who are facing increasing premiums and super-high deductibles. This deadly combination is making Affordable Care Act insurance nearly unaffordable.
But an alternative with lower premiums and lower deductibles is available to those who qualify. It is called Medi-Share.
Medi-Share is a healthcare sharing ministry designed for Christians who agree on a specific set of biblical values and lifestyles. Medi-Share has more than 280,000 members. Members are exempt from penalties and taxes associated with health care reform laws. And members pay less for their healthcare.
Since 1993, members have shared more than $1.1 billion in medical expenses. And members have saved an additional $587 million in medical costs by using Medi-Share's network of healthcare providers.
And members now have access to MDLive, a FREE 24-hour telehealth service providing virtual care anytime, anywhere.
How does it work?
First, Medi-Share is not insurance so they do not use insurance terms. Instead of monthly "premiums" each member contributes a pre-determined "Monthly Share." The amount of the Monthly Share is based upon the age of the oldest person in the family, the number of family members, and the "Annual Household Portion" selected by the member.
The average monthly share cost is about $350 a month for a family. Members can chose Annual Household Portions of $1,250, $2,500, $3,750, $5,000, $7,500 and $10,000.
Compare those to the annual deductibles offered by Obamacare plans.
Members have flexibility in choosing doctors. Members have access to a large network of more than half a million medical providers.
Members show their membership card each time they visit the doctor. Medical providers send the bills to Medi-Share who determines which bills are eligible for sharing according to member-approved guidelines.
Use this link to learn more about Medi-Share.
Medi-Share, a program of Christian Care Ministry, is a member-based, healthcare-sharing program in which Christians voluntarily and directly share financial resources to pay one another's medical expenses. Medi-Share is not health insurance; since its inception in 1993, members have faithfully shared their resources to pay all eligible medical expenses.