Commissioner-Elect Kyle Becker
With threats of violence, fear of secession and national dissolution, Congress met in February of 1801 to resolve the election of 1800. With Aaron Burr and Thomas Jefferson tied in Electoral College votes, the decision rested with the House of Representatives.
The political parties of the day – the Federalists and the Republicans, had brought the nation to the verge of chaos, utter destruction and possible extinction with the campaigns they had waged against their opponents, but now they would be called upon to mediate a political solution.
Federalists and Republicans argued over how to implement a relatively new document called the Federal Constitution and resolve the issue. Both parties did, however, agree to the fact that the solution was within the framework of the Constitution.
Ultimately through politics and negotiation, Jefferson was chosen as the third President of the United States, succeeding John Adams.
Commissioner-Elect Doug Bankson
In his inaugural address, Jefferson sought to alleviate national fears by making his now famous unifying declaration:
“We are all republicans, we are all federalists. But every difference of opinion is not a difference in principle. We are called by different names, but are brethren of the same principle. We are all republicans. We are all federalists."
It was called the revolution of 1800, and it was the first time in history that a peaceful transition of power took place among rival groups.
It has been 216 years since Jefferson, Adams and Burr fought it out for office, but every two years America has its own peaceful revolutions in order to form a more perfect union.
They're called elections.
Sometimes it’s for President, sometimes for the Senate or House of Representatives, and sometimes its in local elections for city commission seats in a town called Apopka.
We fight hard for our candidates. We know them. We like them. We trust them. But at the end of the election the votes are counted and they win or lose.
And then it is time for communities, states and nations to come together in principle and support our leaders.
This afternoon two men – Doug Bankson and Kyle Becker will take the oath of office and be sworn-in as City Commissioners of Apopka at the Apopka Community Center/VFW. The ceremony starts at noon.
Thomas Jefferson stood like granite through political attacks.
Both Bankson and Becker ran the gauntlet that is a campaign cycle. They were called names on Facebook like “good old boy” and “sparky”, but take heart Commissioners-elect; Jefferson was called a few names too.
Opponents of the third President called him an atheist who advocated for the legalization of murder, robbery and prostitution. So paralyzed by the criticism, Jefferson cut the national debt 33%, closed a deal with the French for the Louisiana Territory and sent two men, Meriwether Lewis and William Clark, on an expedition that opened the west to exploration and settlement. Oh, and he was re-elected overwhelmingly in 1804.
A few years later, they carved his likeness into a granite formation in the Black Hills of South Dakota called Mount Rushmore.
Stay with The Apopka Voice for full coverage of the Oath of Office Ceremony.