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Arrowsmith concludes his tenure on City Commission with fiery speech


At the end of the City Council meeting Wednesday night, Commissioner Bill Arrowsmith delivered a speech that outlined his time on the Commission, his disappointment at voters who did not turnout for the runoff election on April 12th, and criticism for his opponent Kyle Becker and the current administration.

Here is a transcript of the speech: Commissioner Bill Arrowsmith in his own words...

"I would like to thank the community for their confidence and trust in representing them during my long career.

My mother told me a long time ago that the best things you do in life are those things that you don’t care who gets the credit.

I have been fortunate to serve with a man of the highest of integrity in Mayor John Land and also many fellow commissioners making up great teams over the years. It is rewarding to see cranes working on the new hospital to the south, heavy equipment carving a path to the north for the 429 extension, continued expansion of the Cooper Industrial Parks and new residential developments coming out of the ground. These teams have formed the foundation for the future of this city and my biggest concern is that we don’t put all of our focus on dreaming of green pastures and forget to fertilize what we have.

Commissioner Bill Arrowsmith in his own words... Commissioner Bill Arrowsmith in his own words...

I feel that I have always done my part in supporting public safety first while at the same time maintaining the best public services possible at a low tax rate for our citizens.

I am disappointed in the lack of participation from the voters and would like to thank the 5,000 who did participate in the runoff. We have a list of them and will share with future candidates for them to focus on.

I would like to thank all of those that helped in my campaign. I will be forever indebted to you.

Unfortunately from Washington on down, we see candidates with nothing more than the ability to put a good spin cycle on their opponent in a negative form as their way of gaining office. It was not unexpected to see the glaring support from this administration for my opponent including fundraising and bullying businesses that chose to support me. I have been criticized for not congratulating my opponent and would like to reiterate that this is not a game when it affects your family.

Lastly I would like to thank my family for their involvement and support over the past months while enduring slanderous remarks. They have learned over the years the insensitive nature of people and it has provided a way to un-friend those that never were.

Many have said that we were in their prayers and for that we remain forever grateful."

You can listen to Commissioner Arrowsmith's last Statement by using this link.






Bill Arrowsmith


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