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Apopka CONA Formation Plan Announced


Apopka CONA Bylaws Expected to be Adopted at June Meeting

Apopka's Grants & Neighborhood Services Coordinator, Dr. Shakenya Harris-Jackson provided a CONA update via email on Friday, June 3rd.

In March Mayor Joe Kilsheimer appointed convened a committee representing several homeowners associations in Apopka to draft a set of bylaws that would govern the Apopka Area . The committee, chaired by Eric Coleman has completed its assignment and a draft of the proposed bylaws are ready to be reviewed and adopted.

When asked about the work of the Bylaw Committee, Eric Coleman said, "The process of working with a group of dedicated, concerned and knowledgeable individuals was fantastic. We were given 3 months to complete the process and we did it in 6 weeks! I believe the Apopka Area CONA is a win-win for the city and the HOA's. Together we can solve problems and in some cases make the city aware of our issues and concerns. Our collective future is bright. HOA's working together can share "best practices" and learn from each other to enhance our communities."

Harris-Jackson outlined the following plan in her email:

  • The next CONA meeting will be on Tuesday, June 14, 2016 at 6 PM at the Fran Carlton Center.
  • Those present will consider adoption of the bylaws as proposed.
  • Amendments to the bylaws as proposed may be considered and adopted by those present.
  • If those present consent to adopt the bylaws, the document would then be regarded as the governing charter of the Apopka CONA.
  • The next order of business would be the election of officers. As proposed by members of the bylaws committee, the election of officers would take place at the July meeting, scheduled for July 12 at 6 p.m. at the Fran Carlton Center.
  • The nomination of candidates and the election of officers would be governed by the standards and requirements laid out in the bylaws.

Harris-Jackson also distributed drafts of the Member Application form and the Associate Member Application form.

At a previous meeting Mayor Kilsheimer described the purpose in forming the Apopka CONA, which is to allow HOAs to more easily trade information and more effectively communicate with the City of Apopka. The Mayor went onto state that the CONA will not be a part of the City government. It will be independent, self supporting and self sustaining.



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