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Apopka City Council Meeting Preview


With the controversy of The Lake Apopka Natural Gas District Board membership now in its rearview mirror, another potentially controversial topic will be making its debut on the Apopka City Council Meeting agenda - Richard Anderson.

Last week the City sent a letter to Anderson, who has been a contract lobbyist/consultant for the City of Apopka since September 17, 2014. The letter informed Anderson that he had breached his contract with the City of Apopka and that the Mayor intends to recommend to the Council that the contract be immediately terminated. Through his attorney, Anderson informed the City that he intends to challenge their assertion.

Here are some other interesting items on tomorrow's Apopka City Council Meeting agenda:

Marden Road Update

A presentation by MMI Development who will provide an update regarding the improvements affecting Marden Road. On September 2, 2015 the City Council approved a synthetic tax incremental financing district to fund the construction of an interchange change that would allow eastbound traffic to enter SR 414 and westbound traffic to exit at Marden Road.

April Disbursement Report

The first of ten items on the "Consent Agenda" is approval of a 42-page report that lists 625 checks that were issued by the City in April 2016. These payments total $2,859,330.

The "Consent Agenda" is a meeting practice which packages routine and non-controversial items not requiring discussion and/or separate approval as one agenda item. However, any member of the Council can request that any item on the Consent Agenda be "pulled," and discussed separately.

New Football Scoreboard

Another item on the Consent Agenda is to spend $11,860 to purchase a new football scoreboard for the Northwest Recreation Complex. Modern Orthodontics has agreed to a $5,100 sponsorship that will partially offset the cost.

Directional Boring Services

Another Consent Agenda item. $29,810 is proposed to be spent. The pricing is based on "piggybacking" on a contract between the proposed contractor and the City of St. Cloud that began in 2012.

Perimeter Security Fence Purchase

Another Consent Agenda Item. The proposal is to spend $85,207 on a perimeter security fence around the Golden Gem Reclaimed Water Reservoir. The pricing is based on a 2015 Orange County Public Schools Contract with All-Rite Fence Services, Inc.

Fire Station Design

The last Consent Agenda item proposes to retain Lunz Prebor Fowler Architects for the design of the new fire station. The expected cost is $77,450.

Disposal of Surplus Property

City staff has proposed to dispose of 12 items, mostly vehicles, by auction.

Recreation Department Fee Schedule

City Staff is asking for the Council to approve the changes recommended at the City Council workshop on May 18, 2016. The proposed fee schedule excludes fees associated with the youth sports groups which will be brought before the Council at a later date.

Use this link to see the details on these issues and to review the entire meeting package.

The meeting is at 1:30 PM in the Council Chamber at Apopka City Hall.


Apopka City Council Meeting


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