From AdventHealth
With the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s issuance of an emergency use authorization of the COVID-19 vaccine by Pfizer, and additionally the approval of the AdventHealth Scientific Committee, AdventHealth anticipates delivery of an initial supply of vaccines soon. Plans are in place to administer the vaccine to some frontline team members and physicians this week.
As many residents have asked about AdventHealth's plans to distribute the COVID-19 vaccine, they designed an FAQ to assist in better understanding the coronavirus and vaccine, as it pertains to AdventHealth.
FAQ on the COVID-19 vaccine and AdventHealth
Q: What does FDA approval mean?
A: This specific vaccine has been tested via Phase 3 trials involving thousands of participants and has been granted an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Additionally, AdventHealth’s COVID-19 Vaccine Scientific Review Committee, as an independent committee, reviewed the process which evaluated the efficacy and safety of the vaccine.
Q: When will AdventHealth receive a COVID-19 vaccine?
A: With the U.S. Food & Drug Administration’s issuance of an emergency use authorization, we expect vaccines to be delivered in the coming days. We do not have an exact date as of today.
Q: Who will initially receive the COVID-19 vaccine?
A: Due to the expected limited initial supply, we will follow distribution guidelines as outlined by the federal and state governments, and National Academy of Medicine, which developed a tiered system. In following this protocol, AdventHealth will administer the vaccine to medical providers and team members working in areas with the most exposure risk.
Q: When will the first vaccines be administered?
A: Plans are in place to administer the vaccine to some frontline team members and physicians this week.
Q: Is AdventHealth able to store the vaccines that require freezers?
A: AdventHealth is prepared and able to safely store and administer the vaccine.
Q: What brand/manufacturer vaccine will AdventHealth receive initially?
A: Pfizer.
Q: How many doses will AdventHealth receive?
A: We will receive a limited quantity as part of this initial rollout of the vaccine.
Q: Can the general public receive a COVID-19 vaccine at this time?
A: No. Because of the limited supply and due to state guidelines, the general public cannot receive a vaccine today. AdventHealth does not have vaccines at its hospitals, physician practices or Centra Care facilities that are for the public at this time.
Q: Is the COVID-19 vaccine safe?
A: Extensive clinical trials were conducted with thousands of participants to evaluate the COVID-19 vaccine and generate scientific data and other information for the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to determine its safety and effectiveness. You cannot get COVID-19 from a vaccine.
Q: How does the COVID-19 vaccine work?
A: The vaccine helps you develop antibodies that make you less susceptible to the disease. It does not use the live virus that causes COVID-19.
Q: When will a vaccine be available to the public?
A: There is no exact date, but we are hopeful it could be as early as the Spring.
Q: What should the public do in the meantime?
A: We strongly support community masking initiatives and are aggressively advocating team members and the public wear a mask whenever they are out in the community. Masks help reduce the transmission of any kind of droplets and, along with social distancing and frequent hand washing, are the best things you can do to keep yourself and your loved ones safe.
AdventHealth has launched a new COVID-19 vaccine resource website, to help consumers learn more about the vaccine.