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A Summary of Events at The City Council Meeting for June 1st






Employee Recognition:

Twenty Year Service Award - Kevin Burgess - Public Services (Assistance Public Services Director)

Presentation of check to Debbie Turner Cancer Center.

Chief McKinley present a check for $2,500. They won $5,000 by defeating the 4 time Champions at the Guns & Hoses Basketball tournament.

Debbie Turner receives a check from Chief McKinley for $2,500.

Presentation of check to New Journey Youth Center.

Chief McKinley present a check for $2,500. They won $5,000 by defeating the 4 time Champions at the Guns & Hoses Basketball tournament.

Fire Department Career Academy Graduation Update

Wil Sanchez explained the grassroots project they began in October was advertised citywide (Facebook, water bill, etc…). There were 100 submissions, narrowed down to 45 eligible. Of those, 25 completed the 5 week academy, meeting every Thursday, to get an in depth look at what it is like to be a Firefighter/EMT. The purpose was to help them decide if this is the path that they really want to take. In the end, our first 12 have now graduated & chosen to move forward in this field. This program is free to our high school students. Velasquez asked if they got feedback from those who did not decide to go forward (Yes…primarily due to inability to handle the blood and/or gear). Becker asked how many came from our Explorer Program (9). Kilsheimer stated this is a very important program. Soon we will be building a new fire station in NW Apopka. This program helps us to identify candidates well in advance. Every city employee has been CPR certified by Wil Sanchez.

Scholarship Recipient:

The first recipient of the Armando Borjas Scholarship was Brandon O’Keefe. He was presented with the $1,500 scholarship.

MMI Development Update regarding Marden Rd. Improvements.

Mike Wright made a presentation in reference to the area where the new Florida Hospital is under construction. He said there is also a 272 unit apartment being built (should eventually generate approx. $100k in tax revenue). He said at this point they are 100% financed for the cost of the Marden Road interchange. It will cost $6.1 million to build. They are on track to get Notice to Proceed July 1. They are presently working on connectivity standards (to be sure all traffic will flow in & out seamlessly). MMI hired a consultant out of pocket to work on roundabouts (cars would come off ramp & into a roundabout). Roundabouts are proven to be cheaper to build, safer, & keep traffic moving better than an intersection with a traffic light. Bankson asked if the roundabout will reduce the cost (Answer is vs a lighted intersection, yes, over time). Kilsheimer stated that Tallahassee has decided that roundabouts is the new way to go. They allow more traffic through at a lower cost. We don’t need a vote from council, but to express a consensus that roundabouts is the way to go so that Wright can relay to his engineers that this is the direction we’re going. Bankson asked if there is a significant cost increase (Answer is approx. $300k). Kilsheimer & the council confirmed that we like the roundabouts.


"Tallahassee has decided that roundabouts is the new way to go. They allow more traffic through at a lower cost. We don’t need a vote from council, but to express a consensus that roundabouts is the way to go so that Wright can relay to his engineers that this is the direction we’re going."

-Mayor Joe Kilsheimer


Approve the Disbursement Report for the month of April, 2016.

Authorize the disposal of surplus equipment/property.

Authorize the Peddlers Permit Application for Big Bang Fireworks, Inc. – Justin Driggers

Authorize the Peddlers Permit Application for First American Fireworks, Inc. – David Hostetler

Authorize the Peddlers Permit Application for First American Fireworks, Inc. – David Hostetler

Approve the Fifth Trustees appointment to the General Employees'; Police Officers'; and Firefighters' Pension Boards.

Approve the purchase of a new scoreboard at Northwest Recreation Complex.

Approve the use of Directional boring services for the installation of a reclaimed water main and a sewer force main.

Authorize the purchase and install of a perimeter security fencing for the Golden Gem Reclaimed Water Reservoir property.

Award the Architectural and Engineering Contract for design services of a new fire station & retain the top three firms as continuing service contract providers.

**Becker asked why we don’t bid out project, but I didn’t catch for which item (Kilsheimer answered to save time/expedite, we piggyback).

**Becker asked whether we feel that the $77k/$7500 is a good price with regards to Item #10 (Answer, yes. It’s like getting two fire stations for the price of one, since we will reuse the plans. After the new station in NW Apopka, we will likely address the need for a new station by the new Florida Hospital).

**Bankson inserted that he may have a new/additional sponsor for the scoreboard with regard to Item #7.

**Becker asked why we don’t bid out project, but I didn’t catch for which item (Kilsheimer answered to save time/expedite, we piggyback).

**Becker asked whether we feel that the $77k/$7500 is a good price with regards to Item #10 (Answer, yes. It’s like getting two fire stations for the price of one, since we will reuse the plans. After the new station in NW Apopka, we will likely address the need for a new station by the new Florida Hospital).

**Bankson inserted that he may have a new/additional sponsor for the scoreboard with regard to Item #7.


Ordinance 2485 – Second Reading – Large Scale - Future Land Use Amendment - Legislative David Moon

Ordinance 2498 – Second Reading – Change of Zoning - Quasi-Judicial David Moon

Ordinance 2496 – First Reading – Small Scale – Future Land Use Amendment – Legislative David Moon

Ordinance 2497 – First Reading – Change of Zoning - Quasi-Judicial David Moon


Council: Topic for Council Discussion: Public Comment Period.

Mayor Kilsheimer said that he had initially added this to the agenda, and then removed it. He said it would officially be on the agenda at the next City Council Meeting (June 15). He’d like to make a defined policy on public comments at City Council Meetings. In his experience, the time allotted for public comments is at the beginning of the meeting. He’d also like to limit each person to 3-minutes (instead of the present 4-minutes). Velasquez thinks it is a good idea, as often those who submit comment cards end up leaving the meeting before the allotted time comes up. Becker would like to hear the public opinions on this topic. Kilsheimer qualified that this will be for public comments on items NOT on the agenda. The public will still be given an opportunity to speak on agenda items throughout the meeting. Becker is concerned that if everyone in attendance submits a comment card, this policy may dramatically delay the start of meetings. Velasquez wondered how we would distinguish (Kilsheimer answered that it will be defined in written policy).

Approval of all Recreation Program & Rental fees.

David Burgoon presented general fees, as was discussed at the Workshop on May 18. Becker asked where we stand with regard to league fees (Answer: It will likely be discussed in another workshop in the near future). It was also pointed out that the “Off Duty Officer” rate is presented as $30/hour, which will be changing soon. This line item will be changed from $30/hour to “Current Rate”.

The City Council gave Taurus Investments another 60-day extension.

City Center Update.

Mark Reggentin explained that Taurus has requested an additional extension. This will require an Amendment to the Purchase & Sale Agreement to allow for two more 30-days extensions. The tone of the last conversations has been very good. Becker said that this will be a total of six extensions. He’d prefer that we do one 60-day extension as opposed to two 30-days extensions because it is frustrating to keep seeing extensions. It would be better to set a more realistic mark so we don’t keep missing deadlines. Council approved one 60-days extension.

Council Discussion: Lobbying/Special Projects Contract.

Cliff Shepard obtained the arrest warrant & affidavit just prior to the City Council Meeting. Three witnesses identified Anderson. There are five charges; three felony & two misdemeanor. The city was not notified of the accident & learned in the news/social media. Is this conduct & Anderson’s failure to tell the city about it a violation of his agreement? Shepard cited the pertinent sections, including that Anderson may be liable for damages to the City of Apopka equal to double the amount that is remaining in his contract. Becker asked if council has the authority to terminate the agreement (Answer: Yes, the agreement was voted in by council). Becker said that the agreement is for $11k per month for lobbying services, yet Anderson didn’t register as a lobbyist until recently. Becker further said that the agreement requires Anderson to submit a report to the city once per month, yet there were five reports (almost half) that were not submitted this year. So Becker sees this act as the third strike. Velasquez request that the decision be made by roll call vote. Becker confirmed again with Shepard that from a legal point of view, Anderson is in violation of his agreement with Apopka. Kilsheimer said it is clear that they were all blindsided. City council voted unanimously to terminate the agreement with Anderson & to initiate litigation against him.

Public Comment:

Gene Knight: Would like sidewalks on Christiana & street lights at Christiana & Monroe. Jay Duvall said that they have contacted Duke about a street light & there is no reply yet. And the city is in the early stages of doing a full sidewalk inventory. Knight explained that on Christiana, there is a sidewalk on portions of the road, so they just need to fill in the gap. Becker asked if it is possible to place a crosswalk where a sidewalk ends so that citizens can cross to a side of the street where there is a sidewalk (Answer, no, as it is not safe to cross midblock). Bankson asked if there is an estimate of when this will be addressed (Answer, no, as we are in the early stages & Duvall has a more than full workload). Velasquez asked if we can add personnel into the budget this coming year.

Jim Meadows: AHA Players are working on the production of “The Guys”, a 9/11 story. The show is opening on June 17. They have decided to donate ½ of their profits to Christian Lamphere for his 9/11 Memorial project. And they just got confirmation that they will be able to display the piece of the WTC in the lobby.

Rod Love: Task Force Meeting was last week. The development of the relationship between law enforcement & the community is happening. They appreciate the support of the Apopka & Orange County Police. They are presently working on putting problems & solutions into a matrix.

Reverend Hezekiah Bradford: John Hightower told him that the program he was trying to put together at Alonzo Williams Park fell through. He’d like more info. Kilsheimer said they can meet directly after City Council meeting. Bradford said he would like the city to be more accommodating & feels he should not have to keep coming back to the city each time he needs something. Kilsheimer stated it can be discussed directly after the City Council meeting.


There is a Metro Plan Meeting on June 8. Kilsheimer is not available to attend. Dean, the alternate, is also not available. Kilsheimer asked Velasquez to fill in & she confirmed.

Misha Corbett is an Administrator at Apopka Then and Now



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