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I am personally in favor of a push for some more modern creature comforts within Apopka. It’s silly to think that, in order to be entertained (granted each individual’s definition can be different), we have to travel 20+ minutes out to take a stroll in Winter Garden, Winter Park or Mt. Dora to do so. We have the means to be thematically driven as a naturally preserved themed locale while embracing the city’s rich history. The extra money in budget should be considered to address that.

Waiting for investors to make land purchases and “saving the day” regarding developing our city’s aesthetic is giving too much creative control to them. Sadly, not enough to the people of this city. We need to be more aggressive in wanting people (both locals and non-Apopka residents) to visit Apopka on a weekend rather than everyone head into their cars, get on SR429 and spend money in those other locales. Which are constantly growing.

That spending money would be great revenue long-term for the city and would only further help us grow. Whether people like to hear it or not, Apopka is growing exponentially. We need to stop being in denial about this. Allow the growth and population increase to fund our city’s goals. We shouldn’t be sitting on our hands over this. If no action is taken and we do nothing about this particular agenda we are going to just be another “bedroom community” while all other towns around us flourish between their ability to promote both business and leisure opportunities and have a strong identity.

We undoubtedly have these capabilities. We just need to put them to better use.

From: Becker's candor on City Council opens a debate on millage rate, reserves, investment, and critical needs in Apopka's upcoming budget

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