In front of Walgreens uptown on 441, that one large palm left from the Champneys house days needs removed. It is dead, and if you look up high, it has that tiny little waist, or that's what I call it. I think about what if that top part of the palm fell, and someone was walking by on the sidewalk! It would be a challenge to take out that tree, but it could be done Needs it done before hurricane season. I am not sure if that is on the right of way, or private. It appears to be on private property, Coming from Mt. Dora area near 441 and 46, where all of those various trees were planted, we saw stacks of those beautiful expensive palms, dead, and piled up to be taken away, on the sides of the road. I think those were shipped in from Arizona. They are like the ones Apopka installed near the city center, on the highway. I guess that long draught killed off the trees there in the Mt. Dora area. What a shame to lose that many. I saw Mt. Dora is building car washes, and a Millers Ale House too, along with the Dollar General.
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