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@Karhryn- I agree. It seems very suspect that a former employee would write a resignation letter at the time of his departure, yet waits 3 years later to write a different one. Obviously one of the letters is a lie. So now we are to believe what was now written? Furthermore, why does this person even care? He doesn’t even live here and certainly does not have the pulse of the city anymore. The mayor absolutely reaches out to anyone that will ‘speak up’ for him. His actions should speak for themself but due to poor leadership and poor management that doesn’t translate. You will definitely find only 2 people here that have hijacked this part of the Voice. I too have committed to ignore the comments as they add no value. Won’t answer direct questions and evade the root issues. According to them, they agree with everything the mayor has done is correct and justified, yet it’s painfully obvious that he is a broken mayor. Keyboard warriors at its worse. Weak minded and ignorant.

From: Former city attorney writes letter about his time in Apopka

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