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Reply to Dennis:. Dennis, you state above that "our group is not full of deep pockets, like past PACs and candidates...we are not. funding anyone's trip, or giving away door prizes.". I am asking for your response, but you are not responding to my questions to you. I see you posting like crazy on Apopka Voice Facebook and posting on Apopka Mole website, but you don't answer here to me, on the regular Apopka Voice website. I don't have Facebook, never have, so I can't post on those websites. Mole indicates there are deep pockets, funding the trip, or at least, offering to fund the trip, plus hotel. So which is it, deep pocket operatives, or not? Trying to seek the truth here, because someone is clearly offering up some fictitious info. Conflicting info, no doubt. Mole was laughing talking about Lear jet, and a stretch limo. Again Dennis, do you want to comment to MamaMia, about all of this?

From: Recalling a mayor in Florida is an uphill climb, but is there momentum in Apopka?

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