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Reply to Dennis:. Dennis, I am rereading your petition grounds for the mayor recall, and following up on your comments in your article above. You state, you all are not giving away door prizes. Why would you bring that up? Door prizes? I wouldn't have even thought of such, until you stated that. Are you all paying your 60 or so volunteers, seeking petition signatures against the mayor? I am curious. I know that sometimes when I go to the shopping centers, people with various petitions come and want me to sign petitions for various causes, such as legalize marijuana, gun control, etc. and those petition workers are very motivated into getting me to sign their petitions, because they get paid for each signature they get that is verified. Some are a little too pushy, because of their motivation of getting paid, to get people to sign. Dennis, do you want to comment on any of this to MamaMia, who is asking out of curiosity?

From: Recalling a mayor in Florida is an uphill climb, but is there momentum in Apopka?

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