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Some of the chatter about the recall is contradictory. One person stated they had some deep pockets backing the recall, now it is being stated, above, within the article, that it is a shoestring operation, not deep pockets....come on, which is it? Not, that I really care. I know in the very beginning of the recall talk, mole was posting some donation amounts given for the recall cause, on his website, and by who, and the goal amounts, then I didn't see them posted again, for whatever reason, but anyway, it is immaterial actually, who is investing in the recall effort, and for the real reasons they are trying to ouste the mayor. Why so hostile, Dennis, for people who watch the council meetings via You Tube, instead of attending in person? We can sit right in our homes, and watch all we want, and can repeat, go back, repeat, enjoy our drinks, and snacks, geeze! I don't care to come and sit up there to the midnight hour, in that unbearable toxic environment, to listen to the same people rant over and over, getting up to the podium, sometimes 3 or 4 times, to rant about anything and everything, and push their luck, on getting the mic cut off. I don't get paid, to sit there and listen, it is the city council that gets paid for that job, come on. Just not sure they listen, though. Y'all fuss like crazy if one speaker is allowed to go over their alotted four minutes speaking, then when the mic button is cut off, for another speaker, you all fuss about what a shame it is, and how disrespectful it is by the mayor. Do you all not remember Commissioner Velazquez lecturing the mayor, to do something to keep order in the council? She wanted the mayor to gavel the speakers, and flex his muscle, so to speak. So he is flexing, a little, and apparently, she thinks it is disrespectful, if he cuts the microphone off, on certain people. I tell you, being the mayor, is a no- win situation, even if you win the mayor's election! A very impossible job! Now, I see above, in Dennis' posting, he states the mayor snuck himself a raise buried in the budget, when the commissioners were busy working on other issues, about fire department safety. Snuck in the budget??? Dennis, I'm sorry, but it is the commissioners' duties to read, and look things over thoughly, so that is negligence on their parts, if they didn't study everything over, before voting on the budget. I'm not buying that it was snuck in the budget, at all.

From: Recalling a mayor in Florida is an uphill climb, but is there momentum in Apopka?

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