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Make no mistake, this is a prime example of underhanded dirty politics by people who supported the last Mayor, Joe K., and currently the same bunch, who wanted Kyle Becker to win the election, when he ran against Mayor Bryan Nelson, but lost out on his bid to be mayor. He lost the election. So now, Becker is vice mayor, seated on the city council, and is doing everything he can to try to make the mayor look bad, along with his cronies, along with this recall effort, along with the other certain commissioners seated, who supported the previous mayor. A lot of people in our city do not keep up with these political issues. They are not aware of what is really going on with this recall. Some don't even know who the mayor of our city is, and who the city commissioners are. True. They just listen to TV news, and may happen to overhear gossip. That is what the re-call bunch are hoping for.....just their biased side of the story. I happen to keep up to date on our city happenings at city hall, and have for a very long time. I could write the mayor's rebuttal, in fact, but he doesn't need me to do that, he will respond when the time comes, if ever. I could write you a book in his defense, though. They are slinging mud and hope something sticks. One thing is the mayor did work for half the salary, until the city commissioners approved his salary increase. So everyone will know, former Mayor Joe K's salary starting out, when set, was $150,000.00 per year, with raises annually during his term, every year, and Mayor Nelson, who has been in office about 5 years, even with annual raises, like everyone else, is still not making what Mayor Joe did starting out! I think this mayor makes approx. $ 130,000.00 or so per year. The city attorney and fire chief make about the same as the mayor. This bunch is using the firefighter's death to promote getting rid of the mayor. It is shameful. Say what you want, but it was an accident. I am so sorry it happened, but it did. This bunch claims, save the city, but what they are doing is tearing the city apart, but they don't care about this city, even though they say otherwise. It is political revenge, and dirty politics, plain and simple. i have been looking over re-calls in Florida on Ballotpedia. There have been recalls on mayors, vice mayors, and commissioners. It is very interesting. One who was being recalled, even fired a gun at a SWAT team, when they went to put him under arrest! While this recall is underway, nothing the mayor has been falsely accused of, even compares to that crazy case. This city would be running very smoothly, but there are those preventing it, because of their own agendas. They do have the right to do a recall by law, and they do have freedom of speech, but I would urge you NOT TO BELIEVE everything they list on their recall petition. They are definitely on a mission, no doubt, but I disagree as to the reason why they are on this mission.

From: Recalling a mayor in Florida is an uphill climb, but is there momentum in Apopka?

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