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No profanity, libelous statements, or personal attacks against an individual, business, or organization. This is great! But these Facebook Accounts personally attack the Mayor, the Fire Chief consistently. Don't forget the City Attorney who is just doing his job. Still don't know why he is getting fired? Facebook will not remove these statements and attacks. I hope you all realize that most of what you read is not true. Some of these statements could destroy someone's career. I wish Facebook had the guidelines that the Apopka Voice does. This is why I do not have Facebook but people send it to me anyway.

It may seem like the person you are critical of deserves anything you can throw at them. It may seem, or even be true, that they have done no less to their political opponents than you are. But there is never an appropriate time to attack a person's spouse, their weight, or anything of a personal nature about them. NEVER an appropriate time to especially go after someone's spouse. And taking pictures of the City Attorney eating and posting and commenting about it weight is just down right scary...Who is following this man around?

Thank you for this excellent article! I hope other's follow suit. That is my 4 minutes...

From: Apopka's issues are too important for personal attacks to enter the debate

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