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Certain people on Sand Wedge have a vested and biased interest in the gopher tortoise preserve because their homes back up to it. Maybe one of them was instrumental in the tortoise proclamation?? Oh wait, that wasn’t in the article was it?

People act like the tortoises are going to be round up and made into turtle soup. What a joke. They will be relocated to a more suitable environment on the golf course. Let me say that AGAIN- they are to be relocated to a more suitable environment.

Let’s recap shall we Reginald? The golf group gets land to build. The tortoises get relocated to a better location. The community owns the golf course and golf returns to RSR. Wow, sounds like the HOA board should be commended and not criticized.

These articles are getting OLD and STALE. Nothing new but the same old propaganda.

From: Is it Gopher Tortoise Day or Groundhog Day? Two essential reads from 2022

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