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Reggie- what is your solution? Easy to sit back and point fingers at a lot of hard work that the HOA board is putting in to make this happen. A few facts you conveniently leave out:

1. The tortoises are not thriving in their current location. They need to be in a conducive environment. Thousands of tortoises have been relocated throughout the State. Right now it is estimated that there are 40 or so on the Kelly Park land. Google it. Learn something.

2. The golf group is an aggressive entity. They will eventually build homes on the golf course. Perhaps you forgot the 100 or so homes that were being planned in 2020? Do you recall Evans engineering putting up notices on the golf course? Probably don’t recall that, do you?

3. The Kelly Park land actually costs the HOA money to maintain. At its current state, an assessment for additional funds will be required of the RSR residents. Are you going to pay that for everyone? I didn’t think so.

4. Life isn’t about getting everything that you want. Perhaps you didn’t learn that? It’s about compromise. The plan the board put together makes the most sense for everyone.

It’s easy to sit back and use the apopka voice as your platform to bash the work the board is doing to alleviate building on the golf course. Perhaps you are one of those people who are suspicious of everyone?

5. This plan actually puts GOLFING back on the golf course. Or would you rather have the 27 links developed with countless homes?

When this is done you won’t be on the bus or under it. You’ll be in the parking lot of the newly remodeled clubhouse washing it.

From: Welcome to the RSR Homeowners Association: Where you're either on the bus or under it

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