A picture might be worth a thousand words, but looking at those photos, I could not determine anything. I couldn't, I swear. Remember, I'm on a cell phone, not a computer. If there is broken EMS equipment....fix it, or replace it. Dirty equipment ....clean, clean, clean, seriously! I don't know the rules, but really, if a can of Glade air freshener sitting in an eye wash area, is that such a biggie??? I've got multiple Glade air freshener cans sitting around, in my kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom. Should I be concerned based on this report??? I don't know how some of these things got neglected, but these things can be taken care of. They are not unfixable! Sometimes, I think maybe the firefighters are run to death on all of the traffic calls. I hear sirens all day from early morning to late into the night at my house. Sometimes I wonder why we are answering all the county calls, doing their work, and believe me, it is a lot of calls yearly. Yes, Apopka gets paid for it, but the county should take care of their own fire department calls! This is my opinion. Apopka First! In a huge fire, I could see it, or some huge catastrophy, yes, but daily? Why? It looks like to me, the city does not need to hire any more firefighters, until these issues get taken care of immediately. The mayor will be addressing these issues, in the upcoming Gannon report meeting, that was rescheduled. I am going to end my opinions here, or Hottie Toddie will get me.. lol
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