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Apopka citizens are confused about the city's millage rate proposal. Apopka Voice says the vote was 5-O for 4.8399, and Apopka Chief says it was a 5-O vote for 4.6876. Is it any wonder we confused? Little talk about the real concerns of a giant enormous rate increase on water bills monthly of 40 percent, sewer going up 40 percent increase monthly, and reuse water going up 15 percent monthly, Oct. 1 2024, and compounding at the next rate increase probably next Oct. 1, 2025. Beware, beware, if you currently are getting the very same utility bill every month, if you water a normal amount, as it sounds like your meter has stopped. If it has stopped, the city knows, but it will take time to getting around to changing your meter, and then you could get a GIANT water bill in the thousands! No joke!

From: Developing Story: Deputy Chief Wil Sanchez to take over as Interim Apopka Fire Chief

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