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I’d like to be crystal clear… the City of Apopka Mayor does not care about our men and women in the stations. He appointed Wylam to out the previous chief and also to make sure he had him in his pocket. Wylam gladly accepted considering he would otherwise, NEVER had become chief. Additionally, the advances that Nelson had mentioned, most came from the Gannon report and push for change from my family, our union, and our then, commissioners. And NOT without a fight. Food for thought…. How could Wylam have done such a tremendous job, when his department was cited for lack of training. How could Wylam have done such a great job when a firefighter lost his life on Wylam’s watch? How could Wylam done such a great job when he has dragged his department, Austin Durans legacy and my family thru the mud for 2 long years.

The Apopka Mayor is a known liar, and will never admit to his deadly mistake appointing failed Wylam as fire chief. Wylam will forever be known in the public eye as the weakest, spineless and most pathetic fire chief in Apopka. That is your legacy Wylam. Disgusting and disgraceful. Congratulations.. you’ve earned that, not the golden axe. I hope you hang that up in your house. And let it serve as a reminder of you pathetic failed leadership. Let it remind you every single day of Austins life that was lost due to your negligence. Your only supporter is a proven liar of a corrupt mayor.

From: A Tale of Two Perspectives: Nelson and Klepper differ on Sean Wylam's tenure as Apopka Fire Chief

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