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to Jim Nisbet.....Jim, yes, you are correct about some pie charts are needed. I haven't seen any pie charts, but I haven't viewed the budgets line by line, basically just been listening to the audios of the budget meetings, and sometimes I do miss some of the discussion for various reasons. There may be some pie charts, but I am not certain. I think Blanche Sherman, the finance director, is doing a good job, even if Nesta accused her of sloppy work. Yes, Nesta actually said that once, about some of her work! However, when I used to go in person to the budget meetings, I know Edward Bass, who was the finance director then, and later on became the city administrator, before he passed away, Ed did display those types of pie charts like you mentioned. I forgot about those. RIP Edward.

From: Mr. Smith goes to Apopka: New City Administrator delivers a wakeup call to City Council

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