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Even worse news than an increased millage rate hike, that is in the works to pay for the union firefighter contract outcome, and additional street work, now they are saying the 10 percent increase we have been paying this year on water, sewer, and re-use water is not enough. The finance director stated it would take a 40 percent increase of utility water rates to balance that budget! All this increase will start Oct. 1, 2024, if that is what they have up their sleeves. Oh, but the water rate study guy will be back before then, to present his "the sky is falling" news. They need to keep that guy away from the city hall, he is bad news, every time he comes to the city, we pay more! Guess, I'll do like they do in Hawaii, where everyone has a rain barrel next to their house. If they vote this in, and I pray they don't, Oct. 1, there are going to be some really high water bills for everyone, and they have been increasing the water rates every year compounding the amounts. Mayor Land never did that yearly! Mayor Joe K. started increasing the rates every year, and now look, OMG! I'm not sure, I believe what they said, as the utility water department always was a money maker for the city. 2000 to 3000 meters stopped? There's a part of the problem. That guy that had the 2700.00 water bill...think about an additional 40 percent added. Where is the Florida Public Service Commission when you need em'? And all these outrageous home insurance, and vehicle insurance

From: Breaking News: City Council tables millage rate vote until July 17th meeting

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