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I watched the budget meeting today, and the special millage setting meeting, and it was like the blind leading the blind. Since it was tabled, what was the purpose of discussing it today, and advertising it, as for the purpose of setting the millage meeting, cause y'all didn't? Commissioner Smith just grabbed a figure out of the sky, I suppose, as none of you all even listened to the finance director, and the new city administrator's millage proposal. Commissioner Velazquez's microphone was off, or she wasn't speaking directly into it. She is concerned that they all need to vote 5-O in agreement, for "the good of the city", and yet no one knows the outcome yet? When have they voted 5-O lately, for "the good of city"on anything?..and of course, Nesta's sitting there like a jumping jack, just can't wait to increase our taxes!

From: Breaking News: City Council tables millage rate vote until July 17th meeting

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