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WOW! What a wonderful group of saintly people responding to my comment here. People who have never told a fib... Never misspoke... Every word you speak is always 100% the truth...

So, I say the mayor misspoke. Some of you persist he lied. OK, let's go down that road. He lied. Can anyone tell me what lasting negative affect the lie had? Who got ripped off? Who suffered any damage whatsoever? How did the mayor benefit form said lie? This is why I'm "accepting" of this. If the man was going to intentionally lie about something, one would think there would be some lasting benefit for him in doing so right? Anyone?? If this is "The Big One..." The lie to end all lies... Well you all must live pretty blessed lives because I see far worse from regular people every day!

Some specific responses:

@GarciaMegan, "you mean the countless outreach events," (every commissioner attends these), "dollars out of his own pocket to ensure babyland at one of our local cemeteries is free to family’s that find themselves burying an infant," (no idea what you're talking about here, but ok, there's one thing) "advocating for city workers and minorities etc?" (please tell me which commissioner DOESN'T do this) "after the decades this city has been neglected by its leadership (insert poor road conditions and other underdeveloped infrastructure, understaffed safety departments, water safety issues just to name a few)." What has Nick done about the roads, infrastructure/staff/etc.? This is a favorite of mine. The population of Apopka, and all of Central Florida, has EXPLODED at a rate that absolutely no one could have predicted or planned for. Considering that, most local government have done a remarkable job handling the growth. Perfect? No, but what is? I love when people complain about the roads here. I'm originally from NJ, you truly have no idea what bad roads are if you think we have it bad. Truly. No concept of poor planning and bad roads. None. LOL!

@MDuran, you already regret making the comment, so I won't respond. We can agree to disagree I think.

@VoiceOfTheCommonMan, Is this you Nick? LOL I hope so. Because I hope there's not another out there so arrogant that they would presume to tell another person how they should think based on their perception of another race and religion... Wow... Just wow.


From: Smith sends scathing email to Nesta about his comments at City Council meeting

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