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I was present at this city council meeting and I challenge all the readers of this article to go YouTube and watch the city council meeting to get the Facts for yourself.

Commissioner Smith as you stated:

“As a Black Male, Pastor, Educator, & a commissioner”

For all those reasons, is why you should have voted against the Mayor attempt to rescind his censure for Lying.

As a Black Male, you should know better to cry False racism.

As a Pastor, you should have a Moral Conscious.

As an Educator, you should know how to apply common sense.

As a Human Being, you should treat people the way you want to be treated.

As a Commissioner, your Loyalty should only be to the citizens of Apopka.

After I heard and saw all the Facts about the email Commissioner Smith sent to Commissioner Nesta.

It is clear to me that Commissioner Smith wrong for email comments to Commissioner Nesta.

The City of Apopka deserves so much better!!

@JimNisbet, you are just a deflection from the truth.

From: Smith sends scathing email to Nesta about his comments at City Council meeting

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