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Jim- your comment is odd to me. First of all, the ethics committee did not exonerate the mayor. As a matter of fact, they agreed that he did in fact lie. You described it as a mistake and that he “mis-spoke” in fact is was a flat out lie. But you also suggested that everyone just let that go. Can I assume from your position on this, that you are also okay to ‘let go’ a State department AND a 3rd party report that proved the city failed my son, an Apopka firefighter? The fire department was in FACT issued a citation for their negligence and failure. I have fought for accountability and to this day, still have received zero. I suppose you’re okay with that as well. Your mayor not only never took on any responsibility, he doubled down and gave a proven failed fire chief a perfect evaluation. I guess you’re okay with that too. I guess you’re also okay with our firefighters being the lowest paid and still working without a contract. That’s fine by you, right? Because your mayor, in your eyes, can do no wrong. I am already regretting this comment to you as some people will never be objective. But know this, you’re mayor flat out lied. And Nesta was actually working for the people to make sure that at least that, brings some accountability to this administration.

From: Smith sends scathing email to Nesta about his comments at City Council meeting

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