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Mr. Nisbet

Not that Commissioner Nesta needs defending, but if by doing something beneficial for the city, you mean the countless outreach events, dollars out of his own pocket to ensure babyland at one of our local cemeteries is free to family’s that find themselves burying an infant, advocating for city workers and minorities etc? Nesta’s time spent on this specific matter upheld a standard of leadership in Apopka and after the decades this city has been neglected by its leadership (insert poor road conditions and other underdeveloped infrastructure, understaffed safety departments, water safety issues just to name a few). If you sir are okay with lying then you sir are the problem and serve as a great example of the issues with our current political system as a country. Leaving well enough alone is no longer an acceptable approach to leadership in Apopka. Hold leaders accountable- regardless of who they are.

From: Smith sends scathing email to Nesta about his comments at City Council meeting

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