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Well I think it's clear that Mr. Nesta is "the problem" at the City Council. The state investigators cleared the mayor of any wrongdoing, the City should do the same and move on to the business at hand. But Mr. Nesta spends far more time and effort compiling this case against the mayor, rather than putting that same time and effort into something beneficial for the City. The mayor made a mistake and misspoke. Almost 2 years ago? Doesn't Mr. Nesta have something more productive to do than play "Gotchya?" I think he does. But he won't because he's a dog with a bone. He's just going to to keep attacking the mayor and creating dysfunction (of course blaming him for the dysfunction along the way) until he gets his way or gets voted out. Very sad. I hope the rest of the council can see this for what it is and work around this malcontent.

From: Smith sends scathing email to Nesta about his comments at City Council meeting

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