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When the impossible becomes possible



By Charles Towne

Hoping that I am going to wake up one morning to discover that I have miraculously been transformed into something other than what I am isn’t likely going to happen,


the thing that we must remember is that Kind, loving, honest, generous, merciful, Christ-like people are nothing less and nothing more than walking miracles. They are works of grace, works of God!

Our character, yours and mine, being transformed by wishing for it, (that transformation) or by hoping for it to take place, is going to happen about the same time that frogs fly!

Now please don’t misunderstand me, I am not saying it isn’t possible, but you have to admit, without divine intervention it is highly improbable. But, what can happen is no less a miracle and it is this, it must come from Papa God, yes, the transformation must come from Him!

Now here is the crux of the matter. If I desire for it, (that transformation that I speak of} to take place; if I really want it to happen, praise our generous and loving God, it will happen! If I start acting out those positive character traits that are significant markers for the Christian life, If I pray for them each and every day of my life, by repetition, I will become!

Now how do I know that this transformation can become my reality and yours? Because He has promised it and He does not lie!

He is there encouraging each of us, guiding us, pleading with us, strengthening us, so, what we practice becomes… us!

It isn’t going to happen all at once, but you might say that it happens… all at once…, because He accepts those tiny baby steps, those infinitesimal, incrementally small progressions as acceptable service and counts it as done.

Yes, it is a decision. I must decide what sort of person I want to be, and then I must practice being that person, until one day, perhaps in a moment, or maybe in a lifetime, by purposeful intent the rascal is transformed, and in the rascal’s place, is in fact, a kind, loving, gentle, honest, generous, Christ-like, godly saintly person. Now that my friend is a miracle!

The Father, our wonderful God, created each of us with powerful genes and placed us, you and I, in charge of determining the direction our lives will go.

Who you are and who you are going to be is in your hands, but you must decide. You might say, “I can’t do this! I tried it and I failed!” Good! You are not alone. It seems that for most of my life I have been a rascal, trying and failing, and believe me, I have sinned mightily and failed mightily, but our Heavenly Father has always been there watching over me, lifting me up, over, and over again when I have fallen, until finally…

I like to think that the Father loves us rascals with an undying and eternal love. Isn’t that wonderful?


Father, dear God, thank you for doing for us what we can never do on our own. Thank you for being relentless in your pursuit of our souls. Thank you for giving what only can come from you. Please O Holy God, help us so that when others look into our eyes they don’t see us but they see Jesus looking back at them in love. In His blessed and Holy name, we ask it, Amen

Charles Towne is first and foremost a Christian. An octogenarian, author, journalist, wildlife photographer, naturalist, caregiver, and survivor, his life has been and continues to be, a never-ending adventure filled with possibilities never imagined. He has adopted the philosophy that to Live fully, laugh uproariously, love passionately, and learn like there is no tomorrow, is a formula for a long and joy-filled life.

Charles Towne, Inspiration


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