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The Election, the Culture, and the Church


The Election, the Culture, and the Church: Where Are We, and Where Are We Headed?

By John Stonestreet

For most Americans, the results of Tuesday’s presidential election came as a shock, even a surprise, and for many, a bit of a relief.

That feeling of relief is understandable. While there’s no way to be sure what will happen over the next four years, Christians may very well have gained a reprieve in areas such as religious freedom and attempts to impose the new sexual orthodoxy and gender ideology on our schools.

So relief? Yes. But I’d caution against elation, because what happened on Tuesday was more of a reprieve than a vindication. A close read of Tuesday’s results, beyond the presidential race, shows that the cultural trends we’ve been talking about on BreakPoint for years continue unimpeded.

Use this link to read the rest of Stonestreet's article.

John Stonestreet is the President of The Chuck Colson Center for Christian Worldview

Stonestreet's organization created a symposium on the Church and the election. They asked leading Christian thinkers—like Maggie Gallagher, Rod Dreher, and First Things’ editor R. R. Reno—to answer the question: “What has the 2016 election revealed about the state of the Church and its place in American culture, and how ought we (the American Church) move forward from here?"

Use this link to read their answers to that question.


Breakpoint, John Stonestreet, The Chuck Colson Center for Christian Worldview


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