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Faith and Inspiration

My thoughts on life and writing


Writing for me is an expression of my soul, my artistic calling, and a means of sharing my thunks.

I write because every life and outlook is unique. No two people ever look at the same experience, the same valley, the same mountain, in the same way. 

Some of us will see the river flowing through the valley. Some will see the lovely chalet at the foot of the mountain, or the avalanche area, ready to slide down the side of the mountain and obliterate the chalet, while yet another soul might see the grizzly bear crossing the river. Some will see all of these things while others will experience fear and joy. The way we express ourselves through our writing can perhaps cast a new outlook on an old subject.

I write. It is one of the most demanding disciplines that I can imagine, but I write because I must. I love the thought processes. I don't necessarily love writing per se, but I love being a writer.

I have discovered something important about the writing craft and it is this - the more I write the better I become as a writer, and just perhaps a better human being. At this stage in my life, I can't imagine myself not writing.

Being published is not my consummate goal. Writing is my consummate goal, but there is something very satisfying about seeing one's work published.  Call it ego if you will, whatever, I love it.  Would I write if I was never published? Absolutely.

I write because I am a writer

There is a disorder, it is called hypergraphia, or, “midnight disease,” simply put it is an overwhelming compulsion to write.  The Roman poet Juvenal called it, "The incurable writing disease". 

Curse, or blessing?  Call it what you will, if I have it I prefer to call it a blessed gift.

For most people, I think it is easier not to be a writer. This must be so because most people aren't writers, and to be honest, very little harm befalls them. As for me, writing is a damnable pleasure wherein I lose myself and find myself, both at the same time.

Ideas do not belong to any one person. They are universal.  Say I have an idea, it is a wonderful idea, the stuff of which castles and battlements and great bridges are built.  Another comes along and uses the materials to build, oh the shame of it, a privy.  But, the privy is used by one and all, for, after all, it is called a 'necessary house' for good reason, and so all turns out as it should be; thank GOD.

Writing leads to discovery, insight, and accomplishment.

If you hear a voice within you saying 'you are no writer', then write, scribble away until the voice is silenced.  It, after all, can only be silenced by your blessed gift, so by all means, write

One time I was suffering from a terminal case of writer's block. I fiddled, I doodled, and I fidgeted... nothing. Then I began writing limericks, those nonsensical little gidgets started dribbling from my pen.  

Looking back, I wouldn't want to share them with you for some of them were actually quite gross and ridiculous, but I am proud of them and still have them. Writing them broke the deadliest case of writer's block in history (my own). 

Now I said that because I have discovered the surest way to break through writer's block is to write, simply that, just write.

By the way, that is what I am doing right now, smashing, crashing, erupting, bursting, through another case of writer’s block.

Having received no formal education on the subject of writing I finally realized that style, and I am speaking of the writing style, is above all else having something to say and saying it in the clearest way possible. That to my way of thinking is the most important and possibly the only secret of style.

Writers are, generally speaking, and this is only my opinion, injured, crippled folk. We write to heal ourselves.

If I were to give advice that would, if followed, finally lead one to be a writer it would be this: Sit your butt in your chair and sit it there daily.  Now that is pretty simplistic, if a tad crude, but that is what writing is all about, discipline on demand. I think that only one thing separates the successful writer from the aspiring writer, the wannabe.  The successful writer writes.

Remember, first, last, and always, you are a writer.  Rest assured, if you cannot find time to write you will never be a writer.  So, write my friend, write

Dear God, my friend, and constant companion, help each of us to rise above the mundane and the average.  We are all broken and made well and perfectly whole again by our relationship with you. Teach us, guide us, help us to be what you want us to be. We love you Daddy, and we praise you. In Jesus’ blessed name we ask it, Amen.

Charles Towne
Charles Towne

Faith, Inspiration, Writing, Jesus, Charles Towne, Discipline, Tips, Encouragement, Healing


2 comments on this item Please log in to comment by clicking here

  • Richardmvelho

    Sir, You write good, pretty words make head hurt when try to read but feel good at same time! Mongo go now!

    Monday, March 28, 2022 Report this

  • Charles


    Thursday, April 7, 2022 Report this