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Getting More People To Come To Your Local Church


By Jane Lucas

The church is much more than a place of worship, it's a place for the community to come together as one. Many small towns are held together by the church, and it creates a little community where everyone shares the faith and is kind to one another. Unfortunately, you may be in a position where hardly anyone goes to your church. Even if you don't have a direct role within the church, as a regular attendant you may want to help increase the number of people visiting every week. So, here are some ideas you can think about to encourage more people to go to church:

Modernize the church

Often, people see churches as quite old-fashioned places. The reality is somewhat different, though, as many churches are actually very modern; it's just that people on the outside don't often realize this. A first step to consider would be to do your best to showcase what you have to others. It starts with a modern website, which can provide all the church updates, along with educational resources, upcoming events, etc. A big part of this is creating a logo for your church as well. You can easily find a logo generator for church attendants to look at and decide what logo is best for your community. Now with a proper website that makes the church seem more modern, it can be a strong step in drawing more people in, thanks to having an online presence.

Encourage people to invite friends

Get everyone in your church to invite friends to the next event or sermon. If everyone invites at least one person, you'd double the attendees in the church. If they do this again, you slowly have more and more people. You may need some incentives to get people to come along, but these can be simple things - like free food and drink afterwards. Initially, people come along for the friendship and goodies, but you will encourage them to stay, and return again, by capturing them with the sermons. Which naturally leads us to the final suggestion.

Make the sermons relevant to daily life

A lot of people avoid going to church - even if they're people of faith - because they find the sermons somewhat irrelevant. To be specific, some churches may not discuss topics that have a direct relation to modern life. So, you and your church have to come together to think of ways you can bring God's teachings into everyday life. This instantly creates more interesting talks and debates within the church. More people are inclined to come along when they see that your community is talking about these modern topics. It helps them find a place for God in their life, learning how to take the teachings and use them every day.

If you don't have a special role within your church, then you can take these ideas to the people in leadership. Hopefully, they like what you've suggested and will implement these changes. Of course, if you do have more of an active role in your church, you may be able to advance these changes yourself. In either case, making key changes like these will increase the likelihood for getting more people to attend your church.

Attendance, Church, Faith, Freebies, Ideas, Invite, Online, Participation, Relevant, Religion, Sermons, tips, Website


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